The Mitsubishi G4M was upgraded a few times during its production life. The plane shown here is the G4M2A Model 24 which entered service in mid-1943. It had more powerful engines with 4-blade propellers, larger bomb bay and fuel tanks, redesigned wings and change in armament. The main advantages of the revised design were the substantially increased range and ability to carry the mega Type 91 torpedo (it was almost as big as a mini-sub). The G4M was also fitted with radar which allowed more accurate searches for targets. The radar antennae can be seen on the plane here - on either side of the tail and in the nose. The G4M2 would have encountered the Vought F4U Corsair fighter. Here is a 57 second video of a theoretical encounter.

MITSUBISHI G4M2A Model 24 "Betty"



 Class: Medium Bomber

 Crew: 7

 Engine: 2 x Mitsubishi MK4T Kasei 25 14-cylinder twin-row radial (1,800 hp each)

 Max Speed: 272 mph 

 Climb Rate:  1,800 ft/min

 Service Ceiling: 29,360 ft

 Range: 3,700 miles

 Armament:  4 x .303 inch machine gun (nose, cockpit, left and right fuselage)
                        2 x 20 mm cannon (
tail, dorsal turret)
                        1,800 lb of bombs or 2,326 lb torpedo


  Model Scale:  1:120

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