Introduced in 1944, the Yokusuka D4Y3 Suisei (allied code name "Judy") was a revised version of the D4Y2 dive bomber. The D4Y3's primary update was a completely different (radial instead of V-12) and more powerful engine. The radial engine made the ground crew and mechanics happy as they were very familiar with working on them. Performance was about the same as with the D4Y2, but the new version could carry a slightly higher payload of bombs. Late in the war, the last variant (D4Y4) was developed to carry a single 1,760 lb bomb for kamikaze attacks on allied shipping. Including all variants, Yokosuka made a total of 2,038 D4Y's. 

YOKOSUKA D4Y3 Model 33 "Judy"



 Class: Dive Bomber

 Crew: 2

 Engine: Mitsubishi Kinsei 62 14-cylinder twin-row radial (1,560 hp)

 Max Speed: 357 mph at 19,850 ft

 Climb Rate: 2,700 ft/min

 Service Ceiling: 34,450 ft

 Range: 943 miles

 Armament: 1 x .303 inch machine gun (flexible mount rear-firing)
                       2 x .303 inch machine gun (wing mount)
                       1,232 lb bomb load


  Model Scale:  1:100

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